Welcome to Salem! - a church with a heart for all God's people. Salem UMC exists because God calls us to "love in action" - (explore, embody, embrace).

If you've found your way here, welcome home.

For over 225 years, Salem has been growing disciples for Jesus Christ and transforming the world one life at a time. We invite you to spend some time here, search our site, and experience this remarkable experiment in Christian community where we explore faith, embody Christ, and embrace others.    


We are a community of people who are in process. We have imperfect messy lives, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Everybody is welcome here whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. We’re all about doing life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people and serving one another and our broader community along the way.

We want to invite you to one of our Sunday gatherings to experience our community of "love in action" authentically engaging with the God who loves us!


Sunday School - 9:30am

Salem offers classes for children ages 3 and up along with a variety of adult classes. You can find a description of each class under the "Get Involved" tab.

Location: (Various) Education Building, Fellowship Hall, Sanctuary Building

Worship - 10:35am

Our service blends a traditional and interactive order of worship (including choir, organ/piano, hymns, and praise team) Please join us for worship Sunday as we open our minds to learn and join our hearts to praise.

Location: Sanctuary

*(Nursery available for children under 4).


We're located just 2 miles off I-40 at:

1206 Salem Rd., Morganton, NC 28655

Parking is availble alongside and behind the church.  

Visitor and handicap parking is available near the front sanctuary entrance.  

Reserved handicap spaces are also across from the covered drop-off between the fellowship hall and education building.

1 thes. 2:8

"So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us."