Salem UMC is a church of love in action.
Your gifts help support mission and ministry both locally and abroad.
Thank you for making a difference.
-Is my giving information secure?
Absolutely. Any personal or financial information you enter is encrypted using SSL security.
-What Payment Methods do you Accept?
We’re happy to accept your donation by any means, Checking and Savings Account donations cost you significantly less, allowing more of your gift to go towards ministry and avoiding contributing to credit card debt.
-Is there a minimum or maximum I can give online?
No. That said, for very large gifts over $5,000, we recommend you contact us to ensure your gift is processed in a timely fashion. (Our internal giving security can flag large donations for security reasons).
*How do I fill out form to make sure Salem UMC gets my money?
Provide your first and last name and your email address.
Church Name: Salem UMC
City: Morganton District: Catawba Valley
Pastor's Name: Norman Jones Jr.
Select one-time gift or recurring gift and enter your donation amount.